Wednesday, December 12, 2012


YES!!! WE ARE BACK SO MUCH UN- FINISHED STUFF SO LITTLE TIME... ummm ok lets start with anew post tmrw on here.... uhh ummm.... how about a very new radio broadcast covering even MORE stuff oh and a give away starting on tht broadcast  ya thts a great way to start things up again see you guys!!!if all the new stuff is up the links will be below!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

some big changes

we will start posting next week again but most news will be directed into a tech show that will be on youtube if you would like to subscribe early go to and sarh "ztechnews1" it will help produce more updates and keep you up to date on all the latest news for alittle teaser we will be talking about the next generation of surfing the web, subscribe to our channel to find out about that and more, we will post the video on our website and our blog so if you dont ave time to subscribe youll get to view it thank you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


we will soon be switching completely to facebook if facebook wont work with our arrangment so here is the new post as the title says-
if the link is not highlighted it still works.. if you want us to be posting real posts on our blog instead of links to them comment below

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


yes its true microsoft is slowely pushing hotmail out of the way for its new mail service?
 to find out more visit our facebook page.. and while your there it wouldnt hurt to press the like button to get daily updates with out leaving your facebook?-
if the link is not lit it still works just click on it..


The new nintendo 3DS-
nintendo has started to get very repeatative with the ds handhelds. There was the very first ds, the ds lite,dsi,dsi XL, and then the 3DS,and guess whts next... the 3DS XL(shocker)....The new device will cost 199.96, i
t will have a 90% larger screen, it is supposed to be sturdier and will have better battery life. Also the screen (do to its largeness) may cause the graphics of your games to be pixelated or blurry, but the larger screen is supposed to be easier to see or use the it worth it?.. well if you ask me its not worth the upgrade if you already own a 3DS but if not i'd highly suggest it, the XLs will be available in black,blue,red, and white(seen above)

for further questions please comment below and i will try to answer them as accurately as i can

Saturday, July 28, 2012

iPhone 5!!!!!!

The new iPhone will be coming soon in October, apple has not released an exact date due to problems with the device, but we all know apple and they should fix the problem soon.I have collected afew prototype photos the bottom left photo is what the final device is supposed to look like but its like apple to change designs quickly,but the supposed design looks very nice and sleek,
If you have any further questions please put them in the comments below.ill try to answer them as accurate as possible

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New posts.... daily?!!!

 yes its true for those of you who want to get more tech news visit our facebook page which is updated daily and has some stuff that is exclusive to the facebook page so if you like ztech news or want to stop having to visit or find our latest stuff you can like our page which is updated BEFORE  we update the actual blog so like our page to get more news and the regular stuff that you'd see later here, we also have multiple admins to manage the page so you will get a veriety of stuff thank you click the link below-
(if the link isnt lit up it still works just click on it).